New Numbing Service!
Clients can now sign up for a PAIN FREE tattoo experience!
Healed belly tattoo.
We used numbing cream for both the linework and shading
After much hesitation, I have found a numbing cream that does not alter the skin or effect the healing of the tattoo. I definitely recommend using the numbing service for larger projects in painful areas, but no judgement if you want to treat yourself to a pain-free experience.
I used to only use numbing products for shading in big projects because the lidocaine would affect the texture of the skin and made it harder for lining. I have finally found and tested a product that I am comfortable offering to my clients for a more comfortable tattoo experience!
Here’s how it works:
When booking your next appointment, click ADD ONS in the check out and select NUMBING SERVICE.
This will add 30 minutes and $50 to your appointment. If we need you to come in a half hour earlier, we will let you know.
When you come in for your appointment, we will confirm the area and size where the tattoo is going. We will apply the cream and wrap the area in plastic wrap. After 30 minutes you will be ready to go!
If we are working on a big on going project, clients may buy their own numbing cream and apply it at home before coming in for their appointment. Just ask and I will send you the link on amazon for the brand I trust and recommend for a PAIN FREE tattoo session.